Indeed, this is my first post on my own website and why not keeping the default name – Hello world! – it is very appropriate! So, hi again, and let me say that blog posts of people who like to share their knowledge have saved me countless times. So now it is time to give back!

However, this site is primarily dedicated to sharing photographs that I enjoyed taking and that I feel have something to say. I hope you will enjoy looking at them and I also look forward to receiving your feedback. But please be kind. I am not a professional. I believe that the site can be a bit more real and motivating for others who enjoy photography if I show more than the most breathtaking photos that I took in the last 20 years – pictures in which, by coincidence, all elements came together to create an exceptional scene and all camera settings were just right. Instead, I want to show you how I see the world through the lens and in some situations a flawed photo is the only shot you get. Of course, I believe that I can improve over time. And so will you!

PS: if you accidentally stumble over this site in May 2020, you may not find a single photograph – because this site is still in the making!

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